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Reducing Food Waste
ICD Online

Embracing the Bounty of Autumn: Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables in Australia

Autumn in Australia is a time of abundance, with orchards and fields overflowing with a diverse array of seasonal fruits and vegetables. From the crisp crunch of apples to the velvety sweetness of figs, and the hearty goodness of pumpkins to the earthy flavor of Brussels sprouts, there’s something to delight every palate. So, embrace

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ICD Online

Easter Fruit Tart

Ingredients: For the Tart Crust: 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup unsalted butter, chilled and diced 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon cold water For the Filling: 250g cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup icing sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract For the Topping: Assorted fresh fruits such as strawberries, kiwi, blueberries, raspberries,

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Baby Nappy Change
ICD Online

Ready or Not: How to Prepare for the Arrival of Your Baby

Bringing a baby into the world is a monumental journey filled with joy, excitement, and a whirlwind of emotions. Amidst the anticipation, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re fully prepared to welcome your little one into your life. From setting up the nursery to stocking up on essentials, there’s a lot to consider when preparing

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Baby Nappy Change
ICD Online

Nappy Sacks®: For over 25 years, the original and still the best!

Parenting is a joyful journey filled with memorable moments, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of them is dealing with nappy change and disposal. Enter the unsung hero of nappy changes – Nappy Sacks®. These discreet little bags play a vital role in keeping your baby’s changing area clean,

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Healthy Eating
ICD Online

10 Reasons Why You Need Leafy Greens

Eating more leafy greens is important for several reasons, as they offer a wide array of health benefits. Here are 10 key reasons why incorporating leafy greens into your diet is a smart and nutritious choice:   1. Rich in Nutrients: Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, are packed with essential nutrients.

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Reducing Food Waste
ICD Online

Stop Wasting Food – How to reduce food waste

Do you ever feel like you are constantly wasting money throwing out fresh fruit and vegetables because they spoil too quickly? If so, you are not alone! It can be frustrating and expensive to replace produce often, not to mention the adverse effects food waste has on the environment. So if you want to know

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Keeping Salad Fresh
ICD Online

The healthiest vegetables you should be eating

It is true that all veggies are good for you. However, there are some that stand out exceptionally over others – and these are the ones you shouldn’t be missing out. Here are the 3 healthiest vegetables followed by tips on how to add them into a balanced diet. 1. Spinach  A leafy green that

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Keeping Salad Fresh
ICD Online

Veggies you should be eating this summer

If there’s one food you can always rely on, it’s hands down vegetables.  Vegetables are pumped with a ton of nutritional benefits that have been proven to fight illnesses, prevent cardiovascular disease, and maintain a healthy weight.  With summertime happening now, it’s time to make the most of the veggies in season for both a

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